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who we are.
The pursuit of quality
has taken us far
Our floors have a deep soul and tell a story. That of the extraordinary people who have accompanied and inspired us for over 40 years, bringing experience, values and a vision of harmony and beauty. Our parquet floors convey an ideal of sustainable and attentive quality.

1962 — 1982
1962 — Wood has always been the heart of our company. The founders – Nino Gasperini and Angelo Tonella, originally timber traders – were among the first to understand the importance of wooden floors to furnish the many homes that were built during the years of the Italian economic boom. In the small village of Crespano del Grappa, in the Treviso Pre-Alps, the first convoys of fine wood started being imported from the regions of former Yugoslavia.
1982 — Within a short time, wooden floors became the main business. All production was dedicated to them and the business was also renamed Crespano Parchetti. The new name was chosen to express the strong bond with the territory and with the woodworking tradition, which dates back to the most ancient times in Crespano del Grappa. Parquet floors were made with utmost care and increased popularity as they spread beyond regional borders.
1997 — 2004
1997 — The creative spirit of the company remained alive and this led to the introduction of the innovative processing of pre-finished three-layer parquet, which was still unknown in Italy at the time. Thanks to the new technology, wooden floors entered everyone's homes, guaranteeing practicality and resistance. This is how Antico Asolo 3 layers was created: the fine range of large parquet boards that are still among the most popular products in our catalogue.
2004 — Our great love for nature was acknowledged by the UNI EN ISO 14001 2004 environmental certification. Proudly, Crespano Parchetti was one of the first companies in Italy to receive it. Thanks to the desire of the new management, formed by Massimo Gasperini, Antonio Tonella and Cristina Gasperini, all the processing of wooden floors was inspired by the philosophy based on cradle to cradle eco-sustainable living: a virtuous and more responsible cycle of products that are designed, created, enjoyed and managed up to the end of their life cycle in a fully ecological way.

2008 — 2010
2008 — Fresche energie animano l'azienda grazie all'arrivo del direttore commerciale Gianni Miatello, che porta un nuovo entusiasmo produttivo e commerciale. Crespano Parchetti diventa CP Parquet con un nuovo nome, più dinamico e moderno, e un nuovo marchio. Cambia anche lo stile della comunicazione che viene affidata all'agenzia di pubblicità Marcantonio per valorizzare l'immagine dei pavimenti in legno e comunicare la grande attenzione alla sostenibilità.
2009 — La sensibilità verso una produzione più responsabile e attenta è sempre più forte. Con la certificazione PEFC, ci impegniamo a usare essenze legnose europee ed esotiche provenienti da foreste di coltivazione o da aree gestite in maniera sostenibile. La certificazione ISO 9001 per la gestione della qualità assicura che tutte le lavorazioni, eseguite interamente in Italia, rispettino precisi standard, impiegando vernici all'acqua e oli naturali a bassissima emissione di sostanze organiche volatili (VOC).

2011 — 2012
2011 — We became part of Best Up – the most important circuit to promote sustainable living and we were selected to represent one of the best examples of virtuous and eco-friendly design at Fuorisalone. The search for a more genuine idea of beauty guided us towards the creation of the Onda range of floors, aged down to the smallest detail, including the small indentations that form around the knots of the wood.
2012 — We celebrated 30 years of CP Parquet and with renewed enthusiasm, we opted for an ever greener path. Greenpeace's guide to choosing environmental sustainable parquet assigned us the wooden medal and the first place among Italian companies for the number of wood types treated in an ecologically correct way. Compliance with strict limits on emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) also allowed us to obtain approval from the German Institute for Construction Technology DIBT Berlin.
2018 — 2021
2018 — Thanks to the prestigious collaboration with Agape – authentic Italian excellence in style and furnishings – we participated in the events of the Milan Design Week, presenting our collections in fascinating settings that recreated the various rooms in the home. The space created inside the Agape12 concept store became stable: a permanent exhibition in the heart of Milan, available to architects and users.
2021 — We opened the doors to a new showroom, set up inside our headquarters in Pieve del Grappa. The fully renovated exhibition area offers an exciting overview of the extraordinary variety of wooden floors, types and finishes. It is intended to become a meeting point for architects, designers and trade operators, where they can learn about the quality of our products up close.

2022 — The year in which we celebrate our 40 years of activity and in which FLOOR LANDSCAPE is born, the capsule collection signed by the Architect Monica Armani, a collection of wooden floors and boiserie that translates the most significant values of Italian culture into four scenarios: Milan, Florence, Venice and Corvara. From these cities, from their history and conformation, innovative compositional solutions come to life, always maintaining a strong coherence with the heritage of the territory they are inspired by.